Sunday, 9 July 2017

Video on Trading That is Worth Watching

There are lots of videos that can be found on YouTube with advice on how to trade stocks ... most of these videos I pay little attention to, but every once in a while I watch a video that reflects the style of trading (with minor differences) that has worked for me over the years.

Watching the video featured below caused me to reflect on Wednesday's blog post, where I bought two stocks based on two different rules. To review that blog post Click Here.

Here are a few rules I try and apply, which are touched upon in the video:

  1. Buying a stock when no one wants it and selling when everyone does.
  2. Taking money off the table as the stock moves up.
  3. Be patient with a loser (although if it is headed for bankruptcy  then that is another story).
  4. Don't take too large of a position in any one trade (a mistake I still make).
  5. Holding a core position and trading it to lower my ACB, which in my case means buying another 10K shares on a dip and selling it for a penny profit.

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